


What Is a Verb?

Verbs are words that show action.

For Examples: kiss, hug, cry, run, sing, swim

Action Verbs show physical or mental action that someone can do.

  • Verbs often come after a noun or pronoun in a sentence.

For Examples: Andrew is playing at the park.


Action Verb Tenses

tense is the form of a verb that shows the time when something happened, or is going to happen.

Action verbs have three main verb tenses based on the time: PastPresentFuture

  • Past expressing an action that already happened
  • Present expressing an action that happening now.
  • Future expressing an action that going to happen in the future.


Here are some examples of verb tense in a sentence:

Action verb: walk





 She walked home from school yesterday.

She walks to school every day.

She is walking to school right now.

She will walk to school tomorrow.

                     WRITE YOUR ANSWER ON THE LINE.












I like to look at magazines.

You shouldn’t eat so quickly.

The dog plays with its new toy

This apple tastes good.

The perfume smells nice.

I can hear the children crying.

I want to see the beautiful sunset!

The dog runs quickly.

Let us walk towards the beach.

He swims in the pool


What is a Stative Verbs?

 Stative Verbs describe a state of being that you can’t see, but exists anyway.

For Examples: You deserve a prize.

  • We use stative verbs to express abstract concepts.

Opinions and beliefs: believe, know, think, support, disagree

Emotions: like, love, hate, need, want, wish, desire, fear

Senses: look, see, appear, taste, sound, hear, feel, seem, smell

Possession: have, own, possess, belong, control

Condition: weigh, lack, involve, resemble, include










1. Jane hates humidity.

2. Henry loves billiards.

3. I remember you.

4. Danny loves swimming in the river.

5. You should respect your elders.


What is a Regular Verb?


Regular Verb is simple past tense; add -d or -ed in their past tense form.


We walked to the concert. (walk becomes walked)

Pauly lied to his friends. (lie becomes lied)


ACTIVITY: Identify and Circle the verb in the following sentences.

1.     The cat ran after the mouse.

2.     The children are climbing the stairs one at a time.

3.     The workers have eaten their food.

4.     He hid the key under the floor mat.

5.     After dinner, the boys went upstairs in their room.

6.     The boys are playing with the XBox.

7.     The kids performed in the school play.

8.      I smelled smoke in the hallway.


What is a Irregular Verb?


Irregular Verbs

Verbs that change form in the past tense are irregular verbs


Base word

Simple Past Tense

Past Participle




  • We sang all night. 
  • She prefers music sung by professionals. 

I spoke to my neighbor. (speak becomes spoke)

We saw the new action movie last night. 
(see becomes saw)

The community felt nervous. (feel becomes felt)


Directions: Choose the correct form of the helping verb “to be”.
Then write the correct form of the verb in irregular participle form.


Example: The water (am/are/is) __________ (to freeze).

   The water is frozen (to freeze).


1) Her arm (am/are/is__________ (to break).

2) The old man (am/are/is__________ (to drink).

3) Our house key (am/are/is__________ (to hide) in the bushes.

4) The employees (am/are/is) __________ (to do) with work today.

5) The snake bite (am/are/is__________ (to swell).



What is a Transitive Verb?

Transitive Verb is one that acts on something.

  • They “transfer” their action to another noun or object.
  • Transitive verbs express an action and are followed by a direct object.

Example: Joshua brought the noodles. (Joshua brought doesn’t make sense without noodles)


ACTIVITY: Identify and Circle the transitive verb in the following sentences.


  1. Sarah organized the kitchen.
  2. Can I borrow your car?
  3. Oliver sends his love.
  4. I saw the dog.
  5. Lee ate the pie.
  6. The postman will give Sarah the letter.


What is a Transitive Verb?

Intransitive Verb is one that does not act on something

    • Action that are not followed by an object.

Example: Teresa smiled at me. (Teresa smiled makes sense on its own)


ACTIVITY: Identify and Circle the intransitive verb in the following sentences.

  1. We sat on the floor.
  2. The boat floats in the bathtub.
  3. My sister cried all night.
  4. The rain fell.
  5. My throat hurts.
  6. The cat sneezed.



What is a Compound Verb?

Compound Verbs combine two words to create a new verb. 

·         Open compound words: spaces between the words

Example: Mia got sick from eating ten hot dogs.

    • Closed compound words: no spaces between the words

Example: Don’t overstay your welcome.

    • Hyphenated compound words: hyphens between the words

Example: The merry-go-rounds are my favorite part of any amusement park.


ACTIVITY: Identify and Circle the transitive verb in the following sentences.


  1. Can you babysit my kids tonight?
  2. Be sure to waterproof your new shoes.
  3. I color-coded my whole file cabinet.
  4. Stop daydreaming Charlie and finish your homework.
  5. I’m trying to get my husband to spring-clean the garage.
  6. He found out too late.


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