Present Progressive Tense

Present Progressive Tense

Present Progressive Tense sometimes called the Present Continuous, which refers to Current Action.

  • Main Verb followed by the -ing form, is an action that is happening right now, frequently, and may be ongoing.

For most verbs we add -ing to the base form to make the -ing form:

How to form a Present Progressive Tense in a Sentence:

We use a helping verb to be verb (am, are, is), come before the verb-ing

subject + am, are, is + verb ending -ing (present participle)

Present Progressive: 
Contractions in the Affirmative sentences

We use contraction more often than the full form, especially when speaking.

Contraction is when we combine two words to make short forms.


I am/ I’m –            I’m playing basketball.

You are/ You’re -     You’re playing basketball.

He is/ He’s -          He’s playing basketball.

She is/ She’s -       She’s playing basketball.

It is/ It’s –           It’s playing basketball.

We are/ We’re –      We’re playing basketball.

They are/ They’re - They’re playing basketball.

 Present Progressive in the Negative sentences

 In the present progressive tense we create negative forms in a sentence by using NOT.

When shortening a form in negative, just remove the o in not and add an apostrophe
is not > isn’t
are not > aren’t

  • I am not playing basketball.
  • He is not playing basketball.
  • She is not playing basketball.
  • It is not playing basketball.
  • We are not playing basketball.
  • You are not playing basketball.
  • They are not playing basketball.

 Spelling Tip:

Verb ending with -ing (Present Participle)

Add ing to most verbs. For Examples. Play/ playing, cry/ crying, bark/ barking


For verbs that end in e, remove the e and add ing.

For Examples: slide/ sliding, ride/ riding


For verbs that end in ie, change the ie to y and add ing.

For Examples: lie/ lying, tie/ tying


For a verb that end with vowel and consonant and stressed double the last letter before adding ing.

For Examples: beg/ begging, begin/ beginning


However: enter/ entering (last syllable is not stressed)


Complete these sentences using the correct tense:


    1) She never ___ alcohol.


    is drinking


    2) Tom is ___ his dog.




    3) We ___ to the store soon.

    are going



    4) Are you still ___ in Manchester?




    5) The bus ___ every evening at 9 PM.


    is leaving


    6) Dogs ___ meat.

    are loving



    7) We hardly ever ___ TV.


    are watching


    8) I ___ at my friend's house at the moment.

    am staying



    9) Does she ___ English?




    10) Please be quiet, the baby ___.


    is sleeping

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