

What Are Prepositions?

A prepositions are words use to show direction, time, place, and location of a noun, or a    pronoun

  • Object is a noun, or a pronoun that receive the action of a verb.
  • Preposition comes before its object (noun that receive the action).


There are Different Types of Prepositions Based on Meaning:

Preposition of time is use to indicates period of time 

answer a question When? (at, on, in) 

Preposition of direction is use to shows the direction/ location of a noun or pronoun

 (toinacrosson and along)

Preposition of place used to show the position or location of a noun 
It answer the question Whereatinonbehindunder, above

 Preposition of manner is used show how something happened.
It answers the question How bywithlikeas, and in

What is Preposition of time?

Preposition of time is use to indicates period of time.
  • ·          It answer the question When?


Prepositions Expressing One Point In Time: at, in, on

For Example:

at for a Precise Time

The bus comes at 12:00 noon.


It’s always cold in December.

on for DAYS , DATES

Do you work on Mondays?



Prepositions Expressing Extended Time:

      later, until, since, for, during, within, after, around, before, between, from

For Example: I worked there from January to June.




Study each Prepositions of Time words list in the box. 
Write the correct preposition in the blank to complete each sentences.


    later      during     between      from     after     around  


  1. We’ll be there __________ 9:00 am.
  2. Let's go out for dinner __________ the show.
  3. It will take __________ an hour.
  4. I’ll call you __________ .
  5. She cried __________ the movie.
  6. The museum is open __________ 8 AM to 4 PM.


DIRECTION: Study each Prepositions of Time words in the parentheses (in, on, at)
Write the correct preposition in the blank to complete each sentences.


1. She will arrive __________ May. (in, on, at)

2. Most animals sleep __________ night. (in, on, at)

3. The roads get icy __________ winter. (in, on, at)

4. I woke up __________ noon. (in, on, at)

5. I will meet you __________ 30 minutes. (in, on, at)

6. The party is __________ Friday. (in, on, at)


What is Preposition of place?
Prepositions of Place used to show the position or location of a thing or person.
Prepositions of Direction to indicate the direction or location of a noun or pronoun

·        Prepositions of place answer the question Where?

Example: The flower in the vase is a peony.


We use Preposition of place such as:


·         Prepositions used to show Location (on, at, in)

·         Prepositions used to show Position (above, over, below, under, on, beneath)

·         Prepositions used to show Distance (near, beside, next to, by, beyond)

·         Prepositions used to show Direction (up, down, in front of, behind)

·         Prepositions used for Enclosed Areas (in, within, inside, outside)




Study each Prepositions of Place words list in the box.
Select the preposition to complete each sentences.



    in front of      behind       between      next       to       above



1. A band plays their music _____ an audience.

2. Who is that person ______ the mask?

3. The number 5 is _____ the number 4 and 6.

4. Guards stand _____ the entrance of the bank.

5. Planes normally fly _____ the clouds.



Study each Prepositions of Place words list in the box.
Write the correct preposition in the blank to complete each sentences.


    into    toward    to    through    around    under   at    over



1.       There's a cat ______________ the car.

2.       Look ________ the picture on the wall.

3.       The duck flew ______________ the lake. 

4.       Let’s take a trip __________ Paris.

5.       The car drove ______________ the parking garage.

6.       Mitchell headed ______________ the campsite.

7.       We drove ______________ the neighborhood.

8.       The paper airplane sailed ______________ the classroom.


What is Preposition of manner?

Preposition of manner is used show how something happened.


    These prepositions include: by, with, like, as, in, on, of
DIRECTION: Select and underline the prepositions of manner in each sentence.

Example: What kind of flower? 

The umbrella with pink flower is Anna's.

  1. She daily comes to the university by bus.
  2. She greeted me with a smile
  3. He speaks in a low voice.
  4. He left in a hurry.
  5. I would like to travel on plane.
  6. I accepted her invitation with pleasure.
  7. My brother walks like an old man.
  8. My girlfriend sometimes acts like a child.
  9. I used to work as a coach some time before.




Preposition vs Adverb?

Some words can function as both adverb and prepositions:

  • If the word has an object, it is acting as a preposition.

Example: Sally closed the door behind her. (preposition: her is an object)


  • If it has NO object, it is acting as an adverb.

Example: The car behind was hooting impatiently. (adverb: NO object after)


Object is a noun, or a pronoun that receive the action of a verb.


Noun is a naming word it's a names a personplacething, or idea. (Ted, mother, store)


Pronouns words that are used to replace a noun

Subject pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they)

Object pronouns (me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them)

Possessive pronouns (mine, yours, his, hers, its, theirs)


Use object pronouns (me, you, her, him, it, us, them, and whom)

When they’re functioning as the object of a preposition.


This is between him and me.

Can Katie go with them?

You went to the dance with whom?

Types of Preposition Based on Structure:


Prepositions are categorized into three main groups based on the number of words they are made of:

  • Simple prepositions
  • Compound prepositions
  • Complex prepositions
  • Participle prepositions



Simple prepositions are made of only one word.

Example: The small cat jumped on the chair.



We use Simple Prepositions such as:

·         Prepositions used to show Location (on, at, in)

·         Prepositions used to show Position (above, over, below, under, on, beneath)

·         Prepositions used to show Distance (near, beside, next to, by, beyond)

·         Prepositions used to show Direction (up, down, in front of, behind)

·         Prepositions used for Enclosed Areas (in, within, inside, outside)





DIRECTION: Select and Underline the simple prepositions in each sentence.


1.       Everyone went under the bridge.

2.       It was fun to hang out beneath the cave.

3.       I needed to finish my homework before going to the game.

4.       It’s important to go above and beyond for the family.

5.       Our house is just around the corner after the creek.

6.       Why did she stand between us?

7.       You are among friends here.

8.       She’s been working there for six months.





Compound prepositions are made of two or more words as a single preposition.

Compound prepositon: Prefix + noun/adjective/adverb 

Examples: Please do not talk on behalf of her. Let her choose please.

He had brought along a friend of his.


We use Compound Prepositions such as: above, around, along, across, about,

below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, outside, within, without




DIRECTION: Select and Underline the compound prepositions in each sentence.


1.       Our dog stayed outside house.

2.       The children ran around the swing.

3.       There is a mouse inside my drawer.

4.       Her beauty is beyond imagination.

5.       A cat was beneath the table.





Complex prepositions are two or more prepositions follow each other act like an ordinary one-word preposition


Example: Her illness was due to bad food.



Complex prepositions include: ahead of, inside of, apart from, instead of, due to,

as for, near to, as well as, on account of, because of, on top of, in spite of

up to, out of, except for, outside of, in addition to, in place of, thanks to,




DIRECTION: Select and Underline the complex prepositions in each sentence.


1.       My son emerged from behind the curtains to scare me.

2.       The team's success was largely due to her efforts.

3.       It is up to nature to replenish our renewable resources.

4.       He used a fork instead of chopsticks.

5.       Everyone was late, except for Richard.





Participle prepositions are prepositions that end in -ed, -ing, -en


PARTICIPLE means the form of a verb that is usually ends in "ed" or "ing"



Example in sentences: Following his rule, I closed the door slightly.

(A word Following is base verb of Follow end in "ing")



DIRECTION: Select and Underline the participle prepositions in each sentence.



1.       Our teacher sometimes gets frustrated with us.

2.       Considering that he was the youngest on the field, he played well.

3.       Everyone attended my graduation including my grandma.

4.       Excluding a few mistakes, the play went pretty good.

5.      Everyone, please keep quiet during the class.


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