


Noun Lesson: To understanding about what is a Noun?
Be able to learn what noun is?
Be able to learn the different type of noun and their uses.

What Is a Noun? Noun is a naming word.

A Noun is a word we used to name a person, place, things, and an idea.

Common noun is general name they’re uncapitalized.                                               

A common noun answers the question "What is it?"

For Example: It is a bridge. (The word "bridge" is a common noun.)

Proper noun is a given name of a person, place, or thing (naming something specific).                               

  • They always start with a capital letter.
  • A proper noun answers the question "What's its name?"
For Example: It is London Bridge(The name "London Bridge" is a proper noun.)


DIRECTION: Look at the picture and choose the noun words into the correct categories. Write the correct answer on the line.


Answer the following question. Write the answer on the line.

1) When we name things, place or a person in general name it is called a _________                 

2) When the name of a person written in capital letter it is called a _______

Choose the proper noun in each sentence.   

1) Harvey is a good-looking young man. 

2) Fluffy is a friendly dog.

3) America is a beautiful country.

4) They always go to a McDonalds for their Sunday lunch.      

5) Mr. Brown walked his dog down the street.



11 Types of Nouns


Common nouns are general name they’re uncapitalized.

EXAMPLE: Your sister bought a new car.

Proper nouns specific name of a nouns person, place, or thing that are always capitalized.

EXAMPLE: Sheri joined me for dinner at TGI Friday's.


Singular Noun refers to one person, place, or thing.

 EXAMPLE: My brother lives in New York.


Plural noun refers to more than one person, place, or thing.

·          You can make a noun plural by adding -s or -ies to the end (unless it’s an irregular noun).

EXAMPLE: Fiona is planning to take at least two vacations this summer.


Concrete nouns are words that you can touch, see, feel, smell, or taste physically.

EXAMPLE: Those cookies smell delicious.


Abstract nouns refer to concepts or feelings that cannot be see or touched physically.

EXAMPLE: All you need is love.


Countable nouns are nouns that you can count.

·         Can be modified by determiners such as: many, most, more, several


There is a bike in that garage. (The word bike is singular because it refers to one bike.)

There are six bikes in that garage. (The plural noun bikes refer to six bikes.)

There are several bikes in that garage. (More than one quantity of bike, so bikes is plural.)


Uncountable nouns noun that cannot count but can be measured.

·         Uncountable nouns also known as mass nouns (such as intelligence or milk).


I'm eating oatmeal for breakfast. (oatmeal isn’t countable)

I value our friendship. (friendship isn’t countable)


Collective nouns refer to a group of something in particular.

They are treated as singular nouns (even though they describe more than one noun) and use singular verbs.

EXAMPLE: A herd of wild buffalo rumbled down the prairie.



Compound noun contains two or more words that join together to make a single noun.

·         They can be one word joined with a hyphen (hyphenated form)


This new toothpaste is too minty. (closed form)

My son-in-law is so kind and considerate. (hyphenated form)


Possessive nouns refers to owns something by which person, place, or thing.

·         Singular possessive nouns end in an apostrophe and “S”.

·         Plural possessive nouns that already end in an “S” just have an apostrophe at the end.


Ireland's landscape is truly breathtaking.

The puppies favorite toy is the squeaky newspaper.


Singular noun refers to only one person, place, thing.

For Examples: a cat (is one animal)       a banana (is one fruit)


Plural noun refers to more than one of something (noun).

To form a singular noun into plural noun we just need to add “s” to the end of a word.

            For Example: bee becomes bees


Singular noun ending in a consonant “ y” makes the

plural by adding-ies
















Irregular nouns

To change singular to plural it doesn’t follow a rules the

word change in plural form






















Singular noun ending in s, x, z, ch, sh makes the plural by adding-es














ACTIVITY: Choose the correct form of the noun in each sentence.

Write your answer on the line.

Singular means only one. Plural means more than one.













1) I have three (child, children).


2) There are five (man, men) at the store.


3) (Baby, Babies) play with bottles as toys.


4) I put two big (potato, potatoes) in the lunch box.


5) A few men wear (watch, watches).


Concrete Noun is a noun that you can see or touch.


Example: My bedroom is chilly this morning.    (concrete noun naming a place)


Abstract Noun name ideas, concepts, or emotions you can't see or touch (intangible).

·         It’s a naming word for idea or emotion


Example: I can see sadness in her eyes, when she failed the test. (abstract noun- emotion)



Circle the concrete noun in each sentence.


1) He needs a new computer.

2) I need to feed my new goldfish.

3) My aunt is staying with us for a while.

4) We are eating pizza tonight.


Circle the abstract noun in each sentence.


5) Tim really values honesty in a relationship.

6) Seeing my baby sister fills me with love,

7) This price is too high.          abstract noun naming an idea

8) My mom's Birthday is in summer.


Collective Noun word that describe a group.

  • Collective noun is usually treated as singular.

Examples: The team is playing well.

The class starts their exams today.


ACTIVITY: Circle the collective noun in each sentence.

1) The class was waiting for their teacher to arrive.

2) The pack of lions is waiting for its prey.

3) The group of pencils is in the pot.

4) Our team trains together every day.

5) The crew is on the aircraft.



Countable Noun is a noun that can easily be counted.



  • There is a bike in that garage. (The word bike is singular because it refers to one bike.)


  • There are six bikes in that garage. (The plural noun bikes refer to six bikes.)


  • There are several bikes in that garage. (The quantity of bikes is more than one, so bikes is plural.)

ACTIVITY: Circle the countable noun in each sentence.


  1. Put all the five bottles of Cold drinks in the refrigerator.
  2. The spider has eight legs.
  3. His brother purchased a car from the showroom this morning.
  4. We like the large bottles of mineral water.
  5. My mother uses butter in the cakes she bakes.



Uncountable Nouns are nouns that cannot be counted easily.


  • These nouns are also called mass nouns.          

Examples: milk, salt, water, rice, sun rays, music, art, love, happiness

advice, information, news, sugar, butter, electricity, gas, power

The swimming pool has plenty of water this time.

ACTIVITY: Circle the uncountable noun in each sentence.

  1. Put some extra cheese on my pizza.
  2. Let’s get rid of this critical situation.
  3. I value our friendship
  4. I'm eating oatmeal for breakfast.
  5. I have ten fingers.       
  6. He bought four shirts that were on sale.

Identifying noun if the highlighted noun is countable or uncountable.






There is no more water in the pond.

Please help yourself to some cheese.

I need to find information about Pulitzer Prize winners.

You seem to have a high level of intelligence.

Let’s get rid of the garbage.



Compound Nouns are nouns made up of two words to form a single noun.


·         some compound nouns are two words For Example: peace pipe, water bottle


·         some are hyphenated For Example: play-off, court-martial


·         some have become single words For Examples: eyeopener, pickpocket


A single word

Two words



rain forest



ice cream


ACTIVITY: Write the compound noun that match in each sentence.


1) Day______________ is the time in the morning when light first appear.   

2) Dish______________ is a machine for washing dishes.

3) Rattle_____________ is a venomous reptile animal.

4) Cross_____________ is a road that intersects another road.

5) Bed_____________ the time at which one goes to bed.

ACTIVITY: Create a new compound noun by using the words in the box.



                        Fish                  tub                 paste  cream fly     


                         falls               chair                bow                  board





Possessive nouns show ownership.

  • Possessive comes from the same root as possession, something you own.
Singular Possessives
  • Add 's to singular words to show possession.

For Example: (sister  +  's)    My sister's backpack is near the door.


  • If a singular word ends in s, it is still need to add 's

For Example: (bus  +  's)       The bus's tires are a little flat.


Plural Possessives
  • If the word is already plural for example cars to make a word plural-to-plural possessives just add the apostrophe to the end of the word.

For Example: (cars  +  ' )       

The cars' engines roared as the driver turned the key in the ignition.

Singular Possessives just Add 's

One dog's tail

(One dog has one tail.)

Plural Possessives just add the apostrophe 's

Two dogs' tails

(Two dogs have two tails.)


  • If two people own something together, use an 's after the second person only.

For Example: Joe and Mary's car is new.        (Both Joe and Mary own the car.)


  • If two people own two separate things, add 's to each name.

For Example: Laurie's and Megan's nails are painted the same color. (Each girl has her own nails.)



  1. The cat’s eyes glowed in the dark.
  2. Jared and Claire’s dog looks like a mixed breed.
  3. The students’ textbooks were piled on the desk.
  4. My sister’s laptop is faster than mine.
  5. The parents’ love for their children is unconditional.


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