Auxiliary Verbs



What are Auxiliary Verbs?

Auxiliary verbs are often referred to as 'helping verbs" to help the main verb.

  • main verb, also known as a base verb or root word, indicates the types of action taking place.
  • Tense of a verb tells us when the action took place.
  • Auxiliary verb used in forming the tenses, moods, and voices of other verbs.
There are three main auxiliary verbs are: "to be," "to have," and "to do."


Auxiliary verbs to be: am, is, are, was, were, being, been, will be

Be” or “to be” is a verb that used as an action verb that stands alone 

EXAMPLE: Jane is coming to my party.



Underline the Auxiliary verbs in each sentence.


1.       I am having another piece of pizza.

2.       Sally was eating the cake.

3.       Lisa is making dinner for us.

4.       Steve is starting a new housing project.

5.       We were planning our next vacation.

6.       It will be raining almost every day.

7.       We were studying until midnight last night.

8.       My brother and my sister were traveling to US.



Auxiliary verbs to have: has, have, will have, had, hadn’t, had not

Have used to shows ownership, shows ability or describe appearance

EXAMPLE: I have grown tomatoes before.



Underline the Auxiliary verbs in each sentence.


1.       Who has traveled to New York?

2.       It's the worst food I've ever had.

3.       Beth has worked here for a long time.

4.       We have seen that movie before.

5.       He has been running for over an hour.

6.       I had been dreaming about you when you called.

7.       Dave has been working on the task all day.

8.       My family has traveled to England before.

9.       Oliver had been driving for six hours.

10.   She had short brown hair




Auxiliary verbs to do: does, do, did, will do, done, didn’t, doesn’t, did not

Do is often used to form questions and negative answer or negated clauses.

EXAMPLE: He plays piano well, doesn’t he?




Underline the Auxiliary verbs in the sentence.

1. I do find that show amusing.

2. What did you get for your birthday?

3. Did you have a good time?

4. Do you find that show amusing?

5. He did not attend the meeting yesterday.

6. Does Shirley want to come over?

7. I did vote for him in the class team leader.



Look at the parentheses Select which word is the correct Auxiliary verb "TO DO" to complete the sentence?


8. Shirley __________ want to come over.  (do, does, doesn’t)

9. ________ you find that show amusing?  (Do, Does, Do not, Doesn’t)

10. _______ Shirley want to come over?  (Do, Does, Do not, Doesn’t)


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