

What is an adjective?

An adjective is used to describe a person, place, animal, object, thing, or thought.

  • Adjective also known as a describing word
  • They explain more about a noun’s size, shape, age, color, origin, or material
  • Adjective comes before nouns.


What Do Adjectives Do?

An adjective is a word that describes a noun or a pronoun.

  • It modifies (adds to its meaning) a noun or a pronoun.
For example:
Marcy chose the 
chocolate cake. (The adjective chocolate describes what kind of cake.)

Adjective modifies or describes a noun.

For example:
The antique clock ticks all night. (The adjective antique describes what kind of clock)

Adjective modifies or describes a pronoun.

  • Personal Pronouns: I, we, you, he, she, it, they.
  • Possessive Pronouns: ours, yours, his, hers, theirs
  • Possessive Adjectives: our, your, his, her, their
For example:
He is so funny. (The adjective funny describes how funny the pronoun he)

Adjective Answer Question:

To help describe a nounAdjectives answer questions such as "Which one?" "How many?"  "What kind?"

For example:

Which cat did you see? It was the gray cat.

(A word gray is an adjective that describes the color of the cat.)


DIRECTION: Look at the picture and choose the best adjective to describe it from the box. Write the correct answer on the line.


How To Identify Adjectives in a Sentence

  • You should look for Common Adjective Suffixes. These suffixes usually mean, “having the quality of.”

An adjective suffix is a group of letters that are added to the end of a word to change the word’s meaning to make it an adjective.

  • Adjective MODIFY THE NOUN

Some Common Adjective Suffixes are:

Common Adjective Suffixes:

-able: able to be done or used

-al: related to a certain thing

-ful: full of certain quality

-ive: having a certain quality

-less: without

-ous: having a characteristic

-ly like 

Adjective in a Sentence:

I don't know if the water is suitable for drinking.

Puzzles are one of the best educational toys out there.

She gave a very meaningful speech.

She's a very attractive woman.

The tools were useless.

Have you tried his delicious dumplings?

She looks stunningly beautiful in that dress.

It was spectacular.

It was colorful.

The sky was beautiful.

It looked reddish(somewhat red)


It was a spectacular sky.

It was a colorful sky.

The red sky was beautiful.

The reddish cloud was stunning.


DIRECTION: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

  1. The tourist chose the most _______ way to travel – by bus. (economy)
  2. The food was disappointing: overpriced and _______ (taste)
  3. When you see ____ color the cake is done. (brown)
  4. James is ___ he only lost a cheap watch. (luck)
  5. The police are pleased when burglars are _____ and leave fingerprints behind. (care)
  6. It’s _______ to walk around on your own late at night. (danger)


 Can Articles Be Adjectives?

There are three articles (a, an, thein the English language.

  • They come before a noun to specify which noun you’re talking about just like an adjective.

  a (singular, general) They have dog.       

an (singular, used when the word following it begins with a vowel) He ate an apple.

the (singular or plural, talking about specific) The man in the red car is my uncle.



DIRECTION: Write the correct articles to complete the sentence.

  1. _____ books for the math classes are hard.
  2. I just adopted ____ dog.
  3. This is _____ elephant.
  4. Don’t take away ______ iguana.
  5. _____ book was long.

Types of Adjectives are:

  1. Interrogative Adjective
  2. Comparative Adjective
  3. Superlative Adjective
  4. Descriptive Adjective
  5. Cumulative Adjective
  6. Coordinate Adjective
  7. Proper Adjective
  8. Demonstrative Adjective
  9. Distributive Adjective
  10. Quantitative Adjective
  11. Possessive Adjective
  12. Compound Adjective

What is a Interrogative Adjective?

Interrogative adjective is a word like 'whose', 'what' and 'which' that used to modify the noun or the pronoun by asking a question.

Adjective Answer Question:

  • To help describe a noun
  • Adjectives answer questions such as "Which one?" "How many?"  "What kind?"

For example:

Which cat did you see?

  • It was the gray cat.

(A word gray is an adjective that describes the color of the cat.)

What kind of potatoes did you buy?

  • I bought red potatoes.

(A word red is an adjective that describes the color of the potatoes.)



DIRECTION: Find the adjective in each sentence.
Answer the questions base on the given sentence.

1. Most people like ice cream.
How many people like ice cream? 

2. I used the wooden spoon to stir the soup.
Which spoon did you use to stir the soup? 
3. I like black coffee.
What kind of coffee do you like?

4. There were few cars.
How many cars were in the parking lot?


 Comparative Adjective



DIRECTION: In the sentences below, select the correct comparative form of the adjective in the parentheses to complete the sentence.

  1. Lucas is (oldest/ older) than Lily.
  2. Alaska is (colder/ more cold) than Florida.
  3. I am (more worried/ worrieder) about this exam than the last one.
  4. This map is (more confusing/ most confusing) than my calculus homework.
  5. I ran (further/ farther) than my best friend did yesterday.

What is a Superlative adjective?

Superlative adjective is a words used to compare two or more nouns to the highest or lowest degree.

  • Addest’ at the end of a base word like:  big, bigger, biggest


  • The long-necked dinosaur is the biggest of them all.

  • Add ‘most’ or ‘least before a superlative adjective.


  • This is the most rapid method of delivery.
  • Those were the least comfortable couches I have ever sat on.

DIRECTION: In the sentences below, select the correct comparative form of the adjective in the parentheses to complete the sentence.

  1. Playing games with your family is the (funnier/ funniest) way to spent quality time.
  2. My brother is the (most annoying/ annoyingest) person to be with.
  3. We hope to go to the (beautifulest/ most beautiful) tropical island.
  4. Reading a good book is the (most leisurely/ more leisurely) way to relax.
  5. Obsessions is the (less efficient/ least efficient) method of productivity.


What is a Cumulative adjective?

Cumulative adjectives are two or more adjectives that describe different characteristics of the same noun, but they need to be put in order for them to make a change.

  • The order of cumulative adjectives is as follows:
    quantity, opinion, size, age, color, shape, origin, material, and purpose.
  • Put the adjective in order separately
  • do not need commas.

For example:

Three adorable gray lambs
(three, adorable, and gray all describe different characteristics of the noun lambs)

How to use adjective in a sentence:

EXAMPLE: It's a lovely big old brown round table. 

For examples:

It's a lovely table. (A word lovely expresses opinion)

It's a big table. (A word big shows size)

It's an old table. (A word old shows age)

It's a brown table. (A word brown shows color)

It's a round table. (A word round shows shape)

It's an English table. (word English shows origin where it comes from)
It's a wooden table. (A word wooden shows material)
It's an old table. (word old shows the state being of the table)
It's a coffee table. (A word coffee expresses purpose)


DIRECTION: Choose the correct cumulative adjective word list in the box.
Write your answer on the line to complete each sentences.

1. ______ ______ British man.

2. ______ ______ ______ ruby.

3. ______ ______ ______ kittens meowed for their dinner.

4. Mario bought a ______ ______ Suzuki motorcycle.

5. Do you want this ______ ______ clock anymore?

6. Let’s avoid those ______ ______ bullies.



Tall young

Six sweet tiny

beautiful red

Lovely round red

old plastic

two annoying

What is a Descriptive Adjectives?

A descriptive adjective is used to describe the size, color, look or character of a noun.

For examples in sentences:

  • The spongy cake was light and fluffy.
  • Will is my big brother.



DIRECTION: Choose the adjective used in the sentence. Write your answer on the line.







1.        We enjoyed a peaceful afternoon.

2.       She’s such a competent cashier.

3.       The silly dog rolled around in the mud for hours.

4.       The colorful flowers filled the garden with their sweet scent.

5.       The spicy food made my mouth water.



What is a Coordinate Adjectives?


Coordinate Adjectives use to modify the same noun that separated by the word and or separated with commas

  • if they can be scrambled and still make sense


DIRECTION: Choose the correct coordinate adjective word list in the box.

Write your answer on the line to complete each sentences.

pink, yellow

long, boring

cute, comfortable, affordable.

strong, confident, independent

bright, sunny, glorious

1.        She wore a pink and yellow top yesterday.

2.       It was a ____________, and ______ morning along Tybee Beach.

3.       The book was ______and ______.

4.     These pajamas are ____________, and ______.

5.     She is a ______, ______, ______ woman.

What are Proper Adjectives?

Proper adjectives used to say that something is related to a specific person or place.

  • Like proper nouns they must be capitalized.
  • Proper adjectives are, in fact the origin of proper adjectives.
  • Example: Shakespeare/Shakespearean

Shakespearean is not a noun. It is an adjective, as it describes a type of writing.



DIRECTION: Write the correct proper adjective on the line to complete each sentence.


Shakespearean             Mexican           Jurassic

Christmas         Canadian                      New York

  1. Tommy has a wonderful __________   writing style.
  2. Let’s have a slice of __________   pizza.
  3. Can you buy more __________   decorations?
  4. These fossils are from the __________   period.
  5. I saw my __________   friend when I went to Vancouver.
  6. I am really craving some __________   food.


What is a Demonstrative adjectives?

Demonstrative adjectives are determiner words used to identify, show exactly which noun you’re talking about in a sentence.

This include: thisthatthese, and those


DIRECTION: Choose and Write the demonstrative adjective from word list in the parentheses. Write the correct answer on the line to complete each sentence.

1. ______ car used to be mine. 
   (This, That, these, those)

2. ______ weekend is going to be really fun.  (This, that, these, those)

3. Watch out for __ nails next to you. (This, that, these, those)

4. I don’t want ____ apple.  (This, that, these, those)

5. _____ shoes are gorgeous. (This, That, These, Those)

6. Would you like ____ bicycle? (this, that, these, those)

What is a Distributive adjective?

A distributive adjective is a word used to distribute a particular group as an individual.



DIRECTION: Choose the correct distributive adjective word list in the box.
        Write the correct answer on the line to complete each sentence.

1. ______ situations are very terrible for us.

2. ______ of the following devices is ready to work.

3. He cleans his bike ______ day.

4. ______ of us agreed to perform on the stage.

5. _______ one of them can enter our courtyard.

6. I don’t need ______ opinion.

7. ___________  has a Plan B.




What is a Quantitative Adjectives?

Quantitative adjectives are words used to describe the number or quantity of any object.

  • It can be a cardinal number (one, two, three, four or 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on)
  • It can be an ordinal number (first, second, third, forth)
  • Quantitative adjectives answer the question “how much or how many

For example: Little, more, much, few, small, tall, thirty


DIRECTION: Select/ Circle the quantitative adjective used in each sentence.

    1. I have got a little puppy from the street.
    2. I have got a few pencils to start writing an essay.
    3. We have some idea of how to start this old vehicle.
    4. You need to read several books for preparation.
    5. My best friend bought some pizzas and came to my house.
    6. A human skeleton of an adult contains 206 bones.
    7. She has two children.
    8. In the near future, I hope to own six puppies.
    9. I ate the whole pie.
    10. Forty people showed up at the party.



What is a Possessive Adjective?

Possessive Adjective is placed before a noun or a pronoun in a sentence to express ownership.

  • A possessive adjective is also called a possessive determiner.
  • It does not contain any apostrophes.

Examples of Possessive Adjectives: Those books are mine.



DIRECTION: Circle the Possessive adjective used in each sentence.

  1. My computer is working in better condition.
  2. This is our house.
  3. Whose car keys are missing?
  4. You can sing a song in my Orchestra.
  5. You can take his bike to work.
  6. Can I borrow your pen to write an exam?
  7. This is her house.
  8. That wallet is his.
  9. He is coming to meet your father.
  10. She is trying to escape from her home.
  11. This apartment is all yours.

List of Possessive Adjectives

My/ Mine

Ours/ Your/ Yours

His/ Hers/ Its

Their/ Theirs



What is a Compound Adjectives?

A compound adjective is an adjective that contains two or more words joined by a hyphen. to modify a noun.

A compound adjective is an adjective that contains two or more words

joined by a hyphen to modify a noun.

  • They are typically hyphenated but not always.

Example: We are taking a five-hour cruise.


DIRECTION: Circle the compound adjective used in each sentence.

1.        I am looking for a full-time job.

2.       This is a fool-proof plan.

3.       They bought some fat-free cheese.

4.       I live in an English-speaking country.

5.       I work an eight-hour day.

6.       I had to print a ten-page document.

7.        You need to go down that one-way street.


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